It’s the new year, and lots of people are making those all-powerful (kidding!) resolutions over what they’ll be eating, how they’ll be exercising, and so much more for 2020. In a recent interview with the Food editors of Us Weekly magazine, our man Shaq talked about his eating habits, and especially his favorite “cheats” when it comes to diets.
Spoiler Alert: Shaq says he’s not really on any special / specific diet. As he told the Us Weekly reporters (with – as they noted – a sarcastic smile): “I don’t have a cheat meal because I’m already sexy so I can eat what I want to eat, as you can see.”
As we know, Shaq is not exactly in the same form he was for his playing days, which ended with his NBA retirement in 2011. Now 47 years old and a high-level businessman and DJ / music promoter, Shaq seems to be everywhere…appearing in many different TV commercial campaigns for a multitude of products. He’s also got his own businesses to run, and he’s on the Board of Directors for Papa John’s Pizza (of which he owns several franchise locations).
In an interesting new career move, the former Los Angeles Lakers star has taken on the gig as “Resolution Coach” for the Krispy Kreme donut company. (BTW, Shaq is also an owner of a few Krispy Kreme locations. At least he was at the time of this writing…the man moves fast!) Over the holidays, Krispy Kreme announced a new lineup of mini-donuts (“only 90 calories each!”) and Shaq has been seen promoting them all over social media. (See the recent Twitter post below.)

In his interview with Us Weekly, Shaq talked about the new mini-donuts being one of his fav new “cheats.” He also mentioned – in no particular order – Lemon Twist Oreos and Frosted Flakes as well. Definitely into the sweets!
Along with owning several Krispy Kreme donut locations and Papa John’s Pizza franchises – mostly located in the Atlanta area – O’Neal is also the main owner / investor in his own restaurant chain, called Big Chicken. There’s one in Las Vegas, and another on board a Carnival Cruise Lines ship.
As Resolution Coach for Krispy Kreme, Shaq is hoping the new mini-donuts help people keep their New Years’ intentions. Each of the four different mini treats — original glazed, chocolate iced glazed, chocolate iced with sprinkles and strawberry iced with sprinkles — contain less than 100 calories a piece, and O’Neal approves.
“It’s 2020, everyone has their resolution, but studies show that by the end of January people get rid of their resolutions,” he told Us Weekly. Not sure what the life coaches of the world would say about this, but Shaq made a point of it: “The best way to handle your resolutions is to cheat.”
“If you eat a couple of these and cheat, the question you need to ask yourself is: If I don’t cheat all the way, am I really cheating?” he joked. “Therefore you can continue with your resolution.” Again, for you life coaches reading this: Feel free to add your comments and ideas below.
How about Shaq’s resolutions for the New Year? Well, they don’t really involve basketball any more. O’Neal says he hasn’t played in about “six or seven years.” Still, the big man has some big goals…and he’s given himself three years to work it through: “Before 50 I want to take my shirt off for Instagram one time to see how many likes I get.”
“I want to be [shredded].” Shaq says he’s already started hitting the gym for a former bodybuilder-turned-trainer. “I got 720 days to be perfect. I just want to rip it off one last time for Instagram.” We’ll see!