New Video Shows Shaq Helping Homeless Man Have Dinner

June 14, 2021

Compared to his last bit of financial helping-out, this was not quite as much money, but it’s always the thought that counts, and the help that matters. Once again, Shaq is doing his part to make the world a little bit better. Thanks to our friends at for info on this cool story. 

It’s true: Shaquille O’Neal is a big man with a bigger heart. We’ve seen him make some really nice gestures to help people. We here at the ShaqFu Radio blog wonder how many others he’s made that haven’t been captured on video. But then again, wherever Shaq goes, there’s usually someone with a smartphone camera recording his every move… (grin). 

Remember a few months ago, he helped a young man pay off his engagement ring at an Atlanta-area jewelry store. (Yes, caught on video.) Before that, there was the story of how he bought furniture for a lady whose house burned down. There are others, too. You can check past posts right here on this blog to find more great stories. 

While this latest story just started making news, it may be a few months (or years) old..there’s no date on it, and it’s unclear when or where it happened. Shaq walks into a McDonalds and talks a bit with a homeless man sitting at one of the restaurant’s tables. You can see the video here:

O’Neal asks If the man is hungry. They talk a bit, and Shaq buys him a couple of chicken sandwiches. In the same restaurant, he has a conversation with a guy who has a Los Angeles Lakers tattoo, and he buys that guy some food, too. 

Shaq has talked about the enjoyment he gets from helping people, no matter what the circumstance. “Just because I have more than the average guy, it doesn’t mean I’m better than the average guy,” Shaq said. 

Yes, Shaq is a bigger-than-life character. He was on the court, and that continues to this day in his business and on-screen dealings. Yet it’s still great to know the Big Diesel puts his beliefs – and sometimes his dollars – into being a force for good. Keep up the great work! 

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