He’s done it again! Our man Shaq has become – yet again – a superhero for a family in need. This time at a Best Buy store in the Dallas, Texas area.
Seems the big man was out doing a little shopping on his own this past weekend, when he got to chatting with a family that was shopping for a much-needed washing machine. Well, one thing led to another, and O’Neal ended up buying the laundry machine for the family, and also buying them a 70-inch TV, apparently just for the fun of it!
Shaq told local reporters he liked stopping in to Best Buy and other high-tech stores now and then, just because he “just loves seeing new things in the tech world.” That’s when he met the young family looking for a washing machine.
So after a bit of conversation, Shaq apparently just decided he’d like to brighten their day a little. Witnesses say he pulled out his credit card and treated them to a few pricey appliances, including the washing machine and big-screen TV.
Afterwards, when news of the story started to get around, a local Dallas reporter was able to contact the big man, who said, “I just want to make people happy.”
We’ve seen and reported on similar stories of O’Neal’s generosity here on the ShaqFu Radio blog. He’s bought food for people in all kinds of situations, and he also helped a young man pay off the engagement ring he had on layaway at a jewelry store.

Most recently, Shaq has announced he’ll be donating the proceeds from an upcoming musical event and DJ set in Buffalo, New York to the victims of the mass shooting that happened there back in May of this year.
Other Shaq-related generosity: We also reported on when O’Neal picked up the tab for dinner for EVERYONE at a New York City restaurant. That happened at the very swanky Jue Lan Club in the Chelsea area of the city last month.
Not only was he big-time generous to the patrons of the restaurant, he was also very good to the staf, leaving a Shaq-sized tip for everyone working that night. Seems he also didn’t want to make a big deal out of the whole experience. He paid the tab, but kept it quiet, not telling other patrons he’d paid for their night out.