In a nice, big, juicy interview with GQ Magazine (that’s Gentlemen’s Quarterly, for you OG’s out there…) Shaq talks about travel, hotels and favorite places he played back in NBA games. If you’ve got a second, it’s online and definitely worth a read. Click here to check it out, and thanks to GQ for the info for this post.
No surprise here – that no matter where he goes, everybody recognizes and knows Shaq. After his NBA-playing days ended, he hit the business world with the same enthusiasm and strength as he did on the court. He’s got businesses and deals and appearances all over the world.
Chatting with GQ, O’Neal said he’s basically “always in business mode.” On the lookout for possible deals, partnerships and more. His most recent development is becoming President of Basketball Operations for sports apparel company Reebok. (Check previous posts for info on that story.)

When it comes to all that travel, GQ asked O’Neal if he makes any kind of special requests to hotels as he travels. Considering his larger-than-life size, you’d think there might be some issue. But Shaq keeps it real, saying, “I’m not a diva. Some hotels take it upon themselves to get a bed and then another bed turned sideways. I snuggle up like a child, so I don’t really need that. I’ve never been one of those high-maintenance superstars.”
On the other hand, Shaq does say he likes a room with some – OK, a lot – of extra space. “My only request is a big room. I will overpay for that. I don’t like just four walls. I gotta have the biggest suite in the hotel. I like living room, piano…”
Piano? Does he play piano now? Well, the answer is no. He just likes the idea of having one in the big room when possible. Pretty cool. Sounds like a Vegas high-roller.
How about the basics? When asked about using a hotel room shower, with it’s regular-height spray nozzle, Shaq talked about size-related issues being a thing for many, many years: “You know, it started in high school. You just learn to duck. I don’t need everything to be custom. I’m just glad I can take a shower.”
As for playing days, the magazine asked the big man for his favorite cities to play in. He listed Toronto, New York, and Dallas. Why Dallas? “The night life was incredible. My place was Hooters. Good spot.”
How about least fav? Shaq named Utah and Milwaukee, for the same (but opposite reasons as the three favs): No night life. Never mind the city, how about the best arena to play in? You might have guessed, it really doesn’t have anything to do with the physical building, but it’s all about the energy.
Best place to play? Shaq said no doubt, Madison Square Garden in the Big Apple. “Because if you don’t bring it in New York you’re not really a great player. I always brought it in New York.”
Thanks again to our friends at GQ for info on this post. Go read the post and check out some time-machine WayBack photos as well.